Lead Climbing Rock Climbing Funny Video

For every rock climber that takes climbing too seriously, there's one that realizes Yvon Chouinard was right when he referred to climbers as the "conquerors of the useless." As with just about anything, having a good sense of humor about climbing is healthy. It's good to be able to laugh about common stereotypes and habits climbers have—and there are many. From making fun of top ropers and overly cautious trad climbers to a climber literally shitting his pants, even non-climbers will appreciate how funny these are. So sit back and enjoy our list of the 12 funniest rock climbing videos.

Funniest rock climbing videos
Rock climbing is very serious

1. Top Rope Tough Guys

Possibly the most classic of the funniest rock climbing videos on this list. One of the winners of Reel Rock 10's two minute film making competition "Top Rope Tough Guys" introduces the viewer to the wild world of top-rope and techniques like the 16-point cam-nest anchor, the belay-assisted dyno, and more.

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2. Shit Rock Climbers Say

Another legend among climbers because it's all-too-accurate. Non-climbers might assume much of what is said in the video is made up, but that isn't the case. The video is spot-on and might make some climbers realize how ridiculous they sound when they're shouting these things at the crag. Whether you're familiar with all these terms or are hoping to learn a few new ones, check out one of the funniest rock climbing videos out there: Shit Rock Climbers Say.

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3. Rock Climber Gets Stuck, Poops Pants

The title really says it all. A very hung over Jason Kruk attempts a hard offwidth climb. He gets his knee stuck and…well you just need to watch. And yes, that's Cedar Wright coming to his rescue.

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4. Vertical Limit Guide to Climbing

Vertical Limit is known among climbers as the movie you don't want any non-climbers in your life to watch because it misrepresents almost everything about how climbing works—making it look way more dangerous than it is. And this video does a great job of hilariously explaining everywhere Vertical Limits gets it totally wrong.

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5. The World's Best Belayer

At first you might not be sure if this is a parody…but then Dave Graham compares being around "the world's best belayer" to the feeling of your first kiss. And it gets even more ridiculous from there. Featuring famous faces like Sasha Digiulian, Jorg Verhoeven, and a cameo from Chris Sharma, this is sure to become a favorite of the funniest rock climbing videos online.

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6. The World's Worst Belayer

From the best belayer to the worst. And while this video definitely doesn't have the production quality or big names of the previous video, it's one of the most commonly viewed (especially by new lead climbers) of all of our funniest rock climbing videos. Whether you lead climb or not, you can appreciate how terrible the world's worst belayer really is.

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7. A Higher Crawling

A short and sweet parody of the classic climbing film narrative of climbers competing to grab a first ascent. Except this one is starring babies.

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8. Monty Python – Climbing the North Face of Uxbridge Road

Probably one of the earliest videos making fun of climbing. Watch as an intrepid climbing team makes the first ascent…of a few blocks of city street. Parody as only Monty Python can, it's a must watch and an obvious choice for our 12 funniest rock climbing videos.

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9. Cedar Wright Jumping 600ft.

Don't worry, Cedar Wright isn't dead (at least as of this writing…). But when someone took a video of Cedar rope jumping and added dramatic music, they made a very short but hilarious masterpiece that every climber needs to see.

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10. Sew It Up

This one hits close to home for every trad climber (What's Trad Climbing?) who has felt sketched on a pitch of climbing and "sewed it up" (aka placed a ton of protection). But in this video it's taken to an absurd extreme…just wait until 2:29 when you realize just how much protection this guy placed.

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11. Wide Grandadz

Fans of Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall (commonly known as the "Wide Boyz") will immediately recognize their hysterical over the top style. Dressed hilarious as old guys (including masks!) Pete and Tom go on a climbing trip to reminisce about "the good old days." Definitely the funniest rock climbing videos that features old man scrotum…and hopefully the only one.

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 12. Gorilla Gone Mad

Classic film series put out by the Access Fund about climbers not practicing Leave No Trace principles. Whether it's leaving tick marks, leaving trash, or not practicing LNT pooping, the Gorilla will get you.

Bonus Video: Downhill Climbing

Canadian satire group This is That Films presents two of the worlds best Downhill Climber's, attempting one of the hardest downhill climbs in the world…

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Source: https://www.adventureprotocol.com/funniest-rock-climbing-videos/

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